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Since around 2003, you've been determined to solidify and anchor your home scene. That's good because this is the time in your life when you need to do this. Tackle home repairs and renovations. Buy, sell or move if necessary. Major readjustments within your family are likely as well.
You like a predictable outcome. We all do, however Earth signs really need it. That's why you enjoy wild and crazy vacations. You know everything is just as you left it at home. That's also why you're reluctant to face job and residential changes right now.
You're wrestling with decisions about how you want to earn your money. While you weigh the pros and cons about your job, at a deeper level, what you're really concerned with is your basic value system. You want to put your money on the right horse. You don't want to blow it.
Ever since 2001, things have been kind of nuts. You've undergone change and even loss. However, this took place because you're setting off on a new 30-year cycle of growth and development. This is big. Essentially, you're reinventing yourself.
Last year, this year, and next year combine to form a period of time when you're in serious transition. You're letting go of stuff in order to create room for something new. You have to streamline your life by going through closets, cupboards and address books. (Yup, people too.)
Ever since 2001, your confidence in yourself has increased. (Of course, your high standards of perfection make it tough for you to give yourself a complement.) Your challenge now is to come to terms with how to work happily with others. How did Fred and Ginger do it with such style?
I think people fear success more than failure. At least failure is familiar. At this stage in your life, it's good to alphabetize your blessings. Look around you and see what you have attained. Think about what you wanted eight years ago. What does your report card look like?
Your popularity rating and your people skills are strong now. You can schmooze in style with the best of them. Even your sex life is picking up (for many.) The reason people like you is because you like them. It's that simple. Everyone wants to be loved. ("Pick me, Monty!")
Deep, basic issues dealing with mortality, shared property, the opposing values of others, your own sexuality, and whether to use paper or plastic when shopping demand some heavy thinking on your part. Fortunately, heavy thinking is what you're good at.
Back in 1989, you set off on a new path. By 1996, you had a strong sense of who you were, but you weren't sure what to do yet. Last year and this year are a major turning point for you. You're going to take your power and go after you want.
Many of you are working harder than ever before. Life is a struggle. However, your creative vibes are fabulous, which means you're in touch with talents you only suspected you had. Plus, the universe is generous to you now. This means you'll accomplish a lot.
Increased responsibilities with children (for some) and a deep desire to discover what it is you really want to be when you grow up (for all) consume you now. Partnerships or relationships are supportive. You're prepared to work hard. The question is -- at what?
Actor Marlon Wayans (1972) shares your birthday. You're idealistic, compassionate and caring. People like you because you're grounded and human. You're governed by a strong personal morality; you have high standards for yourself. Many of you have a rich fantasy life. Important cycles will finish this year so that you can begin something new next year.