Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 4:15 p.m. until 10:40 p.m. EDT today.
Today's New Moon is the perfect time to scrutinize your style of communicating with others, especially siblings, and neighbours and relatives. Are you happy with how things are? Do you want things to be different? If so, how?
Money is never a casual subject with you. (Half of you work in banks.) Today's New Moon is a most fortuitous time to make tiny resolutions about how you want to handle your money. (Taureans love to handle money. I know someone who has special cash lotion to smooth over her money calluses.)
Today's New Moon is in your sign. It offers you the perfect opportunity to check out your image. It includes how you look, how you dress, and how you communicate to others. (It also includes your yacht if this applies.) Anything you want to change other than your sox?
Because this is such as significant time in your life you can't ignore your spiritual or inner world. What seems to be happening here? Do you have enough solitude to watch the grass grow sometimes? You need to be grounded. (Gardening helps.)
Give some thought to the friendships you have in your life. All the wise ones say if you can count one or two friends in your life -- you're rich. (This has nothing to do with how many you invited to your 11th birthday party.) Leos can truly enrich their lives through friendships now.
This is an unusually important New Moon for you. It occurs at the very top of your chart. Today is a good time to give serious thought to your life direction. Where do you want to be 15 years from now? Five years from now? What can you do now to start to get there?
You have some important decisions to make related to travel, publishing, politics, religion and the law. (Let's throw in medicine too.) You've been mulling this stuff over for some time now. Today's New Moon will help you to focus in a proactive way about these matters. Good luck.
You're a passionate, sexy sign. (Very hot.) Today's New Moon helps you to see yourself in new terms, sexually speaking. Not only that, you might get a better perspective on the values of others. It's easy to see things from your own POV, and so difficult to see things from someone else's! (Ain't it the truth?)
Today's New Moon occurs directly opposite your sign. This is a signal that your focus on partnerships and close friends will increase in the next four weeks. It also offers you an opportunity to improve your closest relationships. (This is wonderful.)
You take your work seriously because you intend to be somebody someday. You value the respect of others and you value your reputation. You'll be pleased to know that today's New Moon offers you the perfect opportunity to make little resolutions about how to improve your job.
Now is the time to step up to the plate and take responsibility for one (or all) of the following: your artistic talent and creativity; your skill in the entertainment world; your athletic ability; and your gift of teaching or working with young people. Your definitely shine somewhere here.
Today there are four planets urging you to make your home and family as warm, loving and comfortable as possible. When it comes right down to it -- why not? Family is forever, and home is where you can really relax and be yourself.
Musician Igor Stravinsky (1882) shares your birthday. You're serious about what you want to achieve. You place high demands on yourself. Fortunately, you're persuasive with others. People sense your physical presence. You are a wonderful planner, designer and traveler. You know how to get things done. Focus on your closest relationships this year.