After 2:50 p.m. EDT today, avoid shopping or making important decisions.
You definitely want to get out of the house today. You're keen to do practically anything. Expect to see more siblings, relatives and neighbours. It's a good day for a drive in the country (if you know where that is.) Make sure your big plans are realistic.
You might go overboard spending money today on fun stuff, children, vacations and entertaining diversions. It's probably money well spent, but make sure you don't end up muttering, "Why did I do that?" If you've got bread -- why not buy butter and jam? (However, observe the All Signs warning above.)
You feel enthused, upbeat, and exuberant about life today. (Do you know something?) Ideally, this is a play day. It's the perfect day to kick back and relax, read, talk to friends or be creative. If you're shopping --do it in the morning. (See All Signs above.) Time with family will be enjoyable.
Although most of today is a poor day to make commitments or important decisions -- it's a good day to hypothesize, dream about goals and long-term objectives, and do some out-of-the-box thinking about your future. You can wrap your head around different ideas today. Find one your size.
You really have to watch how you spend your money today. Be aware of the warning in All Signs above. You might go overboard with something related to groups or group activities. Are you sure you want to order pizza for the whole team? On the other hand, listen to your moneymaking ideas.
Refrain from making promises to others today (especially parents, bosses or authority figures) that you can't keep. It's easy to be overly optimistic and unrealistic today. However, since we generally err on the side of not reaching out far enough -- maybe your optimism is a good thing.
You feel like Marco Polo today. You'll do anything to spice your life up. Philosophies, spiritual ideas and news about travel or other cultures fascinate you now. You might also be enthused about something connected with publishing, the media and higher education. Just think: don't act.
There is an amazing amount of potential benefit that can come to you now -- especially today. Depending on the kinds of seeds you have planted in the past, you can really clean up now! Some of you will get inheritances, gifts, favours and find lost things. It's a lucky time for you.
You feel supercharged and positive today. Because of this you might overestimate something or promise more than you can deliver. (Moi?) In particular, you might do this with a partner, boss or parent. You're not showing off. You believe you. (Caution.)
Although you're gung ho to get organized at work and clean up clutter in your life, today pleasure outranks work. You want to be a fat cat licking cream off your whiskers. Someone from a different background than you might help you today. Never refuse a kindness.
This is a great day to be in love. But even if you're not in love, it's a wonderful day to have fun with friends or enjoy playful activities with children. Professional sports will appeal in particular. The bottom-line is simply that you want to be happy today.
You've got big ideas for home, family and your domestic world. Before you launch into this major project, think it through carefully. There's a tendency today for one's grasp to exceed one's reach. It's not greed; it's a wonky perspective.
Singer Wynonna Judd (1964) shares your birthday. You do everything with speed and flair. Because you're independent, you like to be self-employed or work on special projects. Routine appalls you. Your optimism allows you to take on many projects. You will love all the changes that come your way in the year ahead. Stay flexible.