We have the All Clear to shop or make important decisions today until 7:15 p.m. EDT.
By nature, you're direct, forthright and even aggressive. Right now you want to convince others about something. You're all heated up about political, religious or philosophical ideas. You act like you're trying to save the heathen world! Relax.
You're never casual about money. If you appear to be -- you're faking it. There's an urge building up within you to buy something. For most, it will be a purchase you want to make. However, for some, it could be related to how you earn your money. Either way, don't force your wishes on others.
Conditions have been building up for a while between you and a close friend or partner. Things might erupt today or tomorrow. Basically, you're in a power struggle with someone. Things might get ruthless. You can't control somebody else; but you can control your own actions.
A deep, restless energy has been building up within you for some time now. You might be aware of it; you might not. You should know that it is related to some old impulses (perhaps power struggles) that you had as a child. But you're not a child any more. Being in control is an illusion.
You're quick to see the whole picture; furthermore, you're confident about your opinions. That's why you want to convince others to agree with you about something. To you it is so obvious! But does it matter if others agree or not?
You're feeling ambitious now. You really want to do something. Your efforts might be thwarted by the wishes or the responsibilities of home and family. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Perhaps others don't think your suggestions are an improvement
You're so clever at debate, many of you are in the legal field. Right now you're holding firm to your views about something related to the law, medicine, publishing, foreign countries or education. You're like a dog with a bone. But why? Do you want to be right? Do you have to prove it?
Issues related to shared possessions, the joint ownership of something, the wealth of your partner or how to manage the resources of others could become a focal point for a major disagreement with someone. Make sure you hear what others have to say first.
Power struggles about something dear to your heart are heating up. Even if you choose to be easy-going about this, somebody else isn't. Strong differences with a partner or close friend are silly when it comes right down to it. Is it worth losing this relationship over?
For some reason, you're giving it your all at work now. You're determined to prove something to everyone. Probably you feel that your reputation is at stake. (You care very much about the opinion of others.) But sometimes -- others are just jerks. Relax. Quit trying to prove something.
Lover's quarrels are about to break out. Possibly, this same energy makes you insistent about what you expect from children. What's really at stake here is an ego conflict. It's not worth trying to persuade others to agree with you or make them do what you want. Chill out.
Power struggles with family members, parents and authority figures are smoldering. You've been trying to do a lot at home lately. But you meet with opposition. Or you think somebody else is trying to spoil your plans. Don't make a big deal out of it.
Singer Roy Orbison (1936) shares your birthday. You have artistic talent. However, security matters to you, so you often choose the safe route. You're friendly and social; and you appreciate beautiful surroundings. You can be a loving, responsible parent. You often have influence over others. The year ahead will be social and pleasantly active.