Caution: Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 10 a.m. until midnight today.
Just stick with business as usual today because it's a poor day for important decisions or major purchases. Keep in mind that your primary objective is to secure your home base and repair, renovate or fix up where you live. First things first.
Everything to do with your job or where you live is up for grabs. This doesn't mean you have to move. It just means that opportunities to do so are present. Similarly, opportunities for vacations, love and romance abound this year. (Cool.)
This is a strong time for you with both Venus and Mars in your sign. They make you affable and charming as you run into old friends now. People are saying things like "You haven't changed a bit!" It's true. You are a youthful, childlike sign. (Arrested development.)
It's schmooze city for your sign this month. With the Sun at high noon in your chart, others notice you. You might be thinking of making travel plans to places you've been to before. The lure of pleasant memories appeals once again. Finish up school projects and publishing matters.
Start this week off with a firm resolve to make improvements in your life. (Sounds pretty heady I know.) Because your expectations influence your confidence in whether or not you can do something -- your expectations pretty much predict your future. (Scary, but true.)
It's important to remember that with Jupiter in your sign until September, you're blessed with good luck. In fact, this fortunate influence is stronger than it's been in over a decade. Therefore, think like a winner! Better yet -- act like one.
At this point in your life, whatever is working is really working. Whatever is not working -- is in the toilet. You see it all clearly. Some of you will have to cut bait and switch. Either way, this is a powerful year for you. You're reaping the harvest of seeds planted in the last 14 years.
With the Sun opposite your sign, be extra vigilant about your closest relationships and partnerships now. Observe yourself in action. How do you treat others? For a partnership to be successful you have to be as good for your partner as he or she is for you. (Either that, or very, very rich.)
Money-bags Jupiter continues to cross the top of your chart this year. This attracts favourable opportunities and circumstances your way. VIPs notice you and are willing to help. Obviously, this is the time to advance your cause! Get out there and hustle thy buns.
Although relatives might be camping out on your doorstep, (possibly people you haven't heard from for ages) you're up for fun times now. Romance, vacations, little activities with children and everything to do the arts gets a lovely boost now.
Because Mercury is retrograde now, all kinds of delays dog your steps. Checks in the mail or late; communications are particularly squirrelly and siblings and relatives you haven't seen for ages demand more of your time right now. Do auto repairs. Pay your phone bill.
You might have an opportunity to buy something that once slipped through your fingers before. You might even hear from coworkers or bosses you once worked with. There's a lot of deja vu happening. Vuja day is when something happens in you think -- this has never happened before!
Actress Reese Witherspoon (1976) shares your birthday. You have a strong sense of yourself. Because of this, you're not easily led astray. You know what you want. The archetype of the hero is a strong theme in your life. Be prepared to work hard in the year ahead for rewards and major changes in 2005