We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Relations with friends, groups and organizations are easy today. (Especially if you've kissed the Blarney Stone.) Expect to meet a few characters today. Surprise revelations with someone could catch you off guard. You feel rather bold and innovative. Hmmm.
You're in the public eye more than usual today. (Put down that green drink.) You might want to be discreet about your behavior because bosses and authority figures seem to notice you. Don't do anything that you'll regret later.
You are an Air sign. (Full of a lot of hot air.) Today's Moon is in Aquarius, a fellow Air sign. This bodes well for you. Everything to do with education, publishing, the media, travel and the law will probably flow quite smoothly. Go forth and dazzle others. Yada yada yada.
You might have right, innovative ideas about how to use resources in a completely new way today. You're one of the most practical signs in the zodiac. And you're mechanical as well. You often see new uses for old things. Plus you're careful. (Measure twice, cut once.)
The Moon opposite your sign today, you have to be extra cooperative with everyone. (Someday you can be demanding -- today, you can't.) Time spent with children will be rewarding and productive. You want to set a good example for others to follow. (That's your royal style.)
You're a regular fireball at work today. Expect to get a lot done. You might want to reorganize where you work or something to do with your home scene. Tackled dirty, dark areas and everything connected with plumbing, bathrooms and garbage. (Yucky but necessary.)
Strong emotional outbursts related to children or artistic matters are likely today. You feel something important is at stake. In fact, anything related to colour, composition, texture and the appearance of your surroundings does matter a lot you. You have a right to react.
Take a hard look at your financial resources today especially with respect to your home and your family. Are you getting the most bang for your buck? Think about where you can cut corners and reduce costs. (No, the kids have to stay.) You can make headway if you try to do this today.
Take a hard look in the mirror today. The lunar aspects will help you to see ways to improve your appearance and your public image. It's mild; nevertheless, you do have the urge to reform something about your body or your dress. You want to look and feel better.
This is a good day to think about how you can save money and cut costs. Contact the government or large institutions to see if you are eligible for any kind of better plan for cost-saving approach to things. You're in the mood to streamline and cut down somewhere.
The Moon is in your sign today and of course this gives you a nice little advantage over everyone else. Don't be afraid to push your agenda on something. Run things up the flagpole. See what happens. Shopping for domestic and home items is a good idea.
With the Sun in your sign, you attract opportunities and people to you now. However, you need a rest! Try to hide somewhere for a few minutes today. Take this newspaper and do the crossword. (Especially if you work in a cube farm.) Look busy and fake it.
Actor Kurt Russell (951) shares your birthday. You're dramatic and adaptable; but above all, you know how to express your enthusiasm. Dance, movement and the arts attract you. You adore everything that is new and fresh in the world. You need strong, social contacts to stay vibrant. The year ahead could be one of the best years of your life. Expect a miracle!