We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
You have the power to harness the energy of others today. Summon your people! Issue edicts from on high. Your leadership skills are fantastic today. If you're reading this before you go to work -- wear your power outfit. Be the leader that you know you can be.
You can impress important people today. In fact, there is practically nothing that you cannot do. You've got the powah! The main key to your effectiveness is that you now have the resources (practical, financial, budgetary, or staff) that you need to get the job done.
There's an excellent possibility that your life belief system, or at least your choice of TV sitcoms will change today. And it will change for the better. Your far ranging thoughts encompass everything. Nothing is beyond your comprehension. Wield your creative powers for good.
This is the perfect day to clean up messy details about finances and shared property between you and somebody else. (You know who you are.) You might have to confront the power of others. (And you probably will.) Stand your ground. Something will improve your health or your job.
If you are diplomatic and listen carefully to others, you can learn something that will be extremely helpful to you. Alternatively, you can tell others how to improve what they're doing. Communications with those who are close to you are mutually beneficial today. (But intense!)
Stay on your toes! With a little effort today, you can make great improvements to your working environment and your job. Whatever you're unhappy with is the very area that you should address. If you improve things for others as well as yourself, your chances for success treble.
You can be unusually effective dealing with children and young minds today. Pass on the benefit of your wisdom. Or share what training you have. Or simply care for them with kindness. You can also improve your artistic relationships with people. (Even your agent.)
This is the perfect day to make improvements at home. Do any kind of repairs. Clean up messy situations, especially related to bathrooms, garbage and plumbing. You can also clean up messy situations within your family dynamic. Unplug blocked communications.
Your ability to research anything and get to the bottom of things is fabulous today. Nothing eludes you. You are a veritable Sherlock Holmes. Impress others with your astute observations. Whatever you do today you will do with care, thoroughness and precision.
You might be able to dream up absolutely new ways of making money today. Your thinking cap is on and you're cooking with gas. If your good ideas benefit others as well as yourself, you will reap far greater rewards. Don't confine your success to yourself alone. Share the wealth.
You can improve your health or your body in some way today. Make sure that others can improve along with you. Any exercise or change in diet that you make today will have swift benefit for you. Think about how you can improve your appearance through wardrobe changes or shaving.
You can devise better methods of dealing with the government and large organizations today. Another thing that might happen is that you can learn some juicy secrets. You can also research anything extremely well today. Get the goods (but be discreet.)
Singer Roberta Flack (b. 1939) shares your birthday. You're confident; and this inspires others to believe in you. You want to be appreciated by the best. Sometimes your individuality sets you apart; nevertheless, whatever you do -- you touch the hearts of those around you. You have a strong sense of responsibility. This year you will wrap up an important cycle in your life.