Avoid important decisions for major purchases from 10:45 a.m. until 1:15 p.m. EST.
You're adamant about what you want today. Furthermore, you're a tad argumentative about religious, philosophical matters and anything to do with publishing, the law and foreign travel. Oh yeah. My advice: don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.
You're an extremely sensual, tactile, sexual sign. You love your creature comforts, and rolling in the hay is definitely one of them. Today you want some action -- at least a little attention. A wink? You're asking yourself if this is the day when friends could become lovers. Who knows?
You feel like Joe Friday today: "Just the facts, ma'am." Conversations with bosses and authority figures (this includes Mom) are direct, succinct and to the point. Arguments and discord might arise. (This especially could be the case if you have a crush on your boss.)
What you need at work today is a spirit of compromise. Everyone thinks what they're doing is the most important thing. A sense of urgency underlies all communications. Actually, unexpressed sexual desires also underlie many communications today. (Verrry interesting.)
You feel particularly sexy and flirtatious today. (And why not? Your sign rules romance.) You're definitely more inclined to go after somebody you're attracted to. Forget the shrinking violet bit. (This doesn't mean you're leaving your phone number on washroom walls -- but close.)
Be patient with partners and family members today. You're tempted to force your opinions on others or demand your way. Remember May's Law: the quality of correlation is inversely proportional to the density of control. (The fewer the data points, the smoother the curves.)
Although you desire a nice easy-going relationship with others today, your own drive for self-assertion and control might take over. (It's the dominatrix in you.) I suggest you kick off the stilettos and slip into some fluffy mules. They don't look so cool but they're friendlier. (Friendly is good.)
You feel a bit obsessive spending your money today. It's as if you simply have to have something. It could be connected to romance, entertainment, the arts, a vacation or something delightful for a child. You're advised to wait until tomorrow. (Tough to put obsessions on hold.)
You might feel you have to test a relationship today -- intimate, familial, or parental. It's as if you feel you have to throw down the gauntlet. But you don't. You don't have to challenge others. But if you do -- expect an equally aggressive response. (What goes around comes around.)
Whether you're aware of it or not, in the last several months you've been more assertive, even argumentative, than usual. Today you might see this quality quite easily. (Although changes over a long period of time are hard to really notice.) Nevertheless, be cool. Chill out. (Think of how others will regard you).
You feel competitive with someone about financial issues today. Alternatively, you might feel jealous about a possession that somebody else has. (Or someone could be jealous of you.) Smooth relations with others are threatened by confusion related to money and goods.
You feel extremely flirtatious today. You're not even going to hide it, either. Some flirtations are harmless and pleasantly social. Today however, you are the hunter. You want conquest and victory in all your relations with others. (Like wow.) This is a bit over-the-top, don't you think?
Princess of Monaco, actress Grace Kelly (b. 1929) shares your birthday. People find you mesmerizing. Your attractive personality seduces everyone. You are talented and extremely competent. You appreciate beauty and work to create it in your surroundings. Self-knowledge is important to you. You can overcome great obstacles. The year ahead focuses on your closest relationships.