We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Let's start this week off with a little reality check: Remember how you were on top of your game in 1989-90? (How cool was that?) Then, after the insane mid-nineties you started a new path around 1996. Well, this year is another significant time. You're on your way up again!
Since 1999, you've been on a new journey. Basically, you're reinventing yourself. That's why important changes will take place this year and next year. You have to experience an entirely new and different daily milieu (job or residence change.) This "redefines" your thinking.
You're working hard now. Things are improving at home. Real estate deals are looking sweet if you have the wherewithal to dabble in them. Partnerships are improving. And deep down in the midnight of your soul, you're wondering what is really worthwhile in life? Yeah.
Last year and this are huge turning points in your life. Basically, you're in a whole new sandbox. To get here, you had to experience considerable loss. (People, relationships, possessions, job and residences.) But that's all behind you now. Time for the new you!
Your focus continues to be on family, home, domestic issues and real estate. (Enuff awreddy!) Romance and relations with children can blossom now. You have lots of opportunities now and ahead of you to boost your earnings. Have some positive expectations about this.
It's lovely that lucky Jupiter is in your sign for the next 10 months. This is a marvelous blessing! Basically, it pumps your outlook on life; it attracts opportunities and important people to you; and it improves all your closest relationships. Quit waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Now and in the next year or two, you'll experience a culmination of what you have been working for during the last decade and even longer. For some, it's a time of graduation, promotion and obvious success. But others will see things aren't working out and realize it's time to change horses.
It's been difficult to move forward in show business, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. Fortunately, the brakes are off now. You can expect your progress in these areas to pick up -- clickety click -- just like the Little Engine That Could.
Matters related to real estate and your domestic scene have been stalled in the water for months now. Now they slowly start to move foreword. Things will probably not be completely wrapped up until the beginning of 2004. Just stay focused on your objective. One step at a time, toots.
This week starts off with a busy pace. You're talking to friends and groups, plus running around doing errands and taking short trips. Travel and/or back-to-school plans look promising. You are finally really pulling your act together now. (I bet Mom's proud.)
Although you certainly did not seek it out, you have been thrust in the limelight somewhat lately. And it will continue. Basically, people have a lot of respect for you now. They want your input on things. Because you're an original thinker, you find it easy to up the wow factor.
You would love to travel now. Essentially, you need to escape somewhere. You need someone to ride up and take you away from all this. (Maybe they'll drive up - comfort's important.) If you can't blow town, then expand your world through study, film and poking around new places.
Actress Kate Capshaw (b.1953) shares your birthday. You're tough, resilient and persistent. Your ability to endure and focus on what you want is the secret to your success. You don't like to lose. When you meet people you either like them or not -- instantly. New adventure comes your way this year. An entirely new cycle will begin.