We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
The New Moon is the perfect time to make resolutions and begin things. That's why today is the ideal day to decide what to do to improve yourself in some way. Anything! No matter what, it's a start -- it's something. Don't try to move heaven and earth: just focus in a positive way.
Think about how you relate to those who are closest to you. Make no assumptions. What do you think of your style of relating? Today's New Moon offers you the perfect opportunity to think about how you can improve all your closest relationships.
Today's New Moon coincides beautifully with your urge to get organized. This is the perfect day to make some resolutions to help you feel you're on top of your scene. After all, you multitask; and you speak and read quickly as you buzz through life. You need an efficient support scene!
Decide what you can do to improve your relations with children and with lovers. Also decide how to give yourself some brief outlets in expressing your creative talents. These are important areas in your life. You have to acknowledge them.
Because you want improvements to your home and family scene, use today's New Moon to your advantage. Write down five ways to make your home life richer, easier and more rewarding. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you're happy -- so is everybody else.
According to expert studies, in the best of communications only 40% is getting back and forth. (This is evident to anyone who has seen a Robert De Niro movie.) Decide to be clear in all your communications to others. Don't just assume or guess.
Because you're contemplating some major purchases that might deal with children, vacations or just pleasure -- this is a good day to sit down and budget what you have to spend and how you want to spend it. Make sure you specify what are wants and what are needs. (Boring, I know.)
Because the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus are all in Scorpio, it's the perfect day to make a resolution to improve your life or give your existence more meaning. How can you improve your personal world? Think of anything.
Today's New Moon occurs in a rather spiritual part of your chart. Seek some solitude or get out in nature to contemplate your life. You need mellow. Grab any opportunity to incorporate more peace and quiet in your life.
Because the New Moon is the perfect time for new resolutions, this is a good day to talk to friends and groups to discuss your long-term hopes and dreams for the future. What is it that you hope to achieve? If you do not define this, how will you know which path to take?
This is a good day for you do define in your own mind what your life path should be. You don't have to iron out the details; but what is it that you want to achieve? Family? Money? Fame? Spiritual growth? The biggest collection of Grolsh bottles?
Since your desire to learn, to broaden your horizons and to travel is so strong now -- make some kind of resolution or promise to yourself to get closer to achieving these goals. Be specific about what you intend to do. That way, you'll probably do it. (If at first you don't succeed, keep quiet about it.)
Bart Simpson's voice Nancy Cartwright (b. 1959) shares your birthday. You are physical and earthy. You want to give shape and form to your ideas. Your practical abilities combined with your sensitive imagination allow you to be extremely productive. Work hard this year because your rewards will come the following year.