We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
This is a great day to see friends or participate in group activities. Sports, club events, rallies, parades, sit-ins, stand-ins, and leftover pickins will give you pleasure. You might feel sympathetic to a particular cause. Today is the day to stand up and be counted.
You appreciate how the person at the top feels today. You have genuine empathy for someone who has power and influence over you or in your sphere. When things go well, the troops take credit. When things fail -- management gets the ax.
You might meet someone who is mysterious and intriguing, possibly because of cultural differences or education. We're all in this Big Soup together, and it's interesting when a clove of garlic discovers that cilantro is the Herb of the Hour. That's why variety is the spice of life.
You don't mind feeling responsible for somebody today. In fact, you enjoy having the responsibility, and being needed. Putting all the "in" phrases of the '90s aside, it is very rewarding to feel useful to others. (You know the difference between helping and being a doormat.)
Conversations with friends and partners are enjoyable today. That's because you find it easy to be warm and understanding to others now. This empathy you have is one of the reasons you're a good teacher and actor. (And you are.) Fortunately, what goes around comes around.
We had a serving plate in the family that read, "It's a joy to labour for those you love." As a kid I used to stare at it and wonder. But this is the kind of thing you discover in time. It's true. Helping those you care about is a rewarding experience. (And let's not forget Brownie points!)
This is the kind of day you could fall in love with somebody. (Being in love for 24 hours is such fun.) Sometimes the object of your affection doesn't even know you. But it's definitely something to spice the day, and gossip about over coffee. (Sigh... Time flies when you're unconscious.)
If you could spend some time alone near the water (no, not doing the dishes) -- you would enjoy it. There's a dreamy, mystical overtone to everything today. The right situation can enhance that. Lots of water is definitely one of the "right" situations.
This is a wonderful day for daydreaming. Don't be hard on yourself if you can't concentrate on anything. Your powers of visualization are good today. Imagine how something will look or work, to see if it could prove to be useful for you. Think of how to apply this. (Start below the knees.)
You have to admit that labels sometimes impress you. We're talking status. Imposing labels. This might be at the bottom of why you want to buy something today. There's an element of fantasy come true to it. That's okay. If you can afford your fantasy -- by all means get it.
By nature you're intuitive. But today, you're uncanny. You can hear your pet thinking. ("Oh, throw me a bone.") This sharpened intuition allows you to have excellent conversations with others. You see where they're coming from, and you know how to respond in kind.
This is the perfect day to seek some quiet, soothing, calming solitude. At least turn down the TV. Just as your body needs rest, sometimes you have to pamper your mind. It needs a break just like everything else.
Actress Alicia Silverstone (b. 1976) shares your birthday. Your appearance is always stylish and tasteful. Although charming with others, essentially, you do what you want to do but you care about social issues. Others enjoy your sense of humor. This year is full of bright, exciting beginnings. Be open to new avenues and adventures.