We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
You pushed hard to get your way in matters related to publishing, higher education and foreign countries. Now you have to ask yourself if it was worth it? Is your heart really in this? After all, right now you rank pleasure above work. Think about your priorities.
Power struggles about children, responsibilities or shared possessions leave you in a serious state of mind today. You want to get things straightened out on the home front. You always feel better if everything connected with home, family and real estate are running smoothly.
You have to be careful that your eagerness to get things done doesn't run roughshod over the wishes of others. You can definitely get away with things now because you are particularly charming and diplomatic. Nevertheless, someone might still feel duped.
You're determined to get your way about something that is either work-related or specific to your health. You've got grand plans right now. Things will flow more smoothly if you get the endorsement of others, especially siblings. Try to get others on side. (It will be easier.)
Power struggles with lovers or children give you pause now. (Little furry ones.) You have very clear ideas about your responsibilities and about the use of joint resources. You want to get things very clear now. No more fuzzy details. Great. Grab the bull by the horns and just speak up.
You want to get rid of something at home. It might be possessions, clutter, or even an attitude or a way of communicating within the family. You want to introduce sweeping changes. Actually, all this has already been set in motion. Now that the why is established the how will follow.
Let go of past resentments about disagreements. That was then, this is now. Use your energy to help others wherever you can. This will make you feel good about yourself and at the same time directly benefit someone. On top of that, think of all the wonderful press you'll get. (You can't lose.)
Squabbles with friends about money and possessions are over. Privately, now you just want to have a good time. (This is allowed.) Playful activities with children, sports and amusing diversions will please you today. You want everything to continue on a lighter note. (Puleeze.)
Quit licking your wounds about power struggles with bosses or parents. They're over. Concentrate instead on making improvements at home or within your family dynamic. There's so much you have to do here. And you want to do it. Sometimes you start moving a mountain with a spoon.
You still have lots to say about political, religious and publishing matters. Arguments over these issues have not deterred you. You want others to see your point of view. You're not discussing opinions; you're talking about beliefs. You're willing to do some research to prove your point.
You might want to go shopping today. If you do, your choices will be sensible. They could be related to fun and pleasure nevertheless, you will get your money's worth. You feel rather strongly about possessions, values and how you share things with others now. You want to illustrate a point.
You're quite energized today because the Moon is in your sign. But it's not a flaky energy. You feel right on target. Don't hesitate to make important decisions about children, entertainment world, show business and financial investments. They will be solid.
Director Sir Alfred Hitchcock (b.1899) shares your birthday. You are brave and courageous. You can surmount incredible odds. Because of this, you will achieve much in your life. Privately, you rebel against social mores. You have much to look forward to because the next year could be one of the most fortunate years of your life.