We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
If you have any artistic aptitude at all (and as the artisan of the zodiac -- you do) this is the time to bring it into play. Don't worry about all those unfinished projects. Tell people they're works in progress. You need to begin things to demystify the mystique of a process.
Your inner confidence has been growing lately. That's why you've been facing some truths about yourself that you normally hide in the medicine cabinet. This is good. It's your secrets that have a grip over you. What you know you are is seldom a problem. (Except for the Hulk.)
It's exciting how your plans for the future are becoming larger, bolder and more expansive. You're reaching out and grabbing more of the world for yourself. You're also communicating with more ease to everyone around you. Face it: life is getting better whether you like it or not.
Recent purchases please you and make you feel a bit self-indulgent. That's just fine. You're actually learning more about yourself now through how you handle your possessions. You're getting serious about wanting to earn money. Real money.
With Jupiter in your sign now, the spiritual dimensions of your life are definitely greater and deeper. (This is a fortunate time for you.) That's why favourable people and circumstances are drawn to you. At this stage in your life, you're trying to discover who you really are as a person.
You might encounter somebody who acts a spiritual teacher for you now. Even an old friend could play this role for you. In turn, you will pass on what you are learning to others. Enthusiasm is contagious. But so is wisdom. People can learn just from watching you.
You're at a time in your life where you easily see that what goes around, comes around. You're making new friends and many of these friendships are mutually beneficial. You might take up a new field of work connected with medicine, healing, the law, higher education or travel.
Increased travel in connection with your work is likely now. Dealings with foreign countries are also possible. There's no question that your primary focus is all about your career path in life, your reputation and your social status. You're trying very hard to move ahead in your job.
Everything to do with writing, publishing, higher education, the media and travel is enormously blessed (for your sign) right now. Your knowledge of the world and your own consciousness are growing. Along with this, you're letting go of prejudices and old tapes that have run their course.
This is a good time to enter into relationships or pool your resources with someone else. You will stand to benefit from these connections. It's also an excellent time to get a loan from a bank or a mortgage. That's because the wealth and resources of others can help you now. Whee!
You're certainly meeting people who seem to be helpful, interesting and a good source of stimulating information. All partnerships are extremely favoured right now. If you hook up with someone, they could be older or more established than you.
Your chance of finding work that will improve your health and your personal growth is excellent. Many of you will find new jobs; others will improve the job that you now have. It is written in the stars that somehow you will improve your employment scene. If not now, then when?
Actor David Hasselhoff (b. ) shares your birthday. Beneath your cosmopolitan, sophisticated mask, you are a serious, ambitious individual. You want to rise to the top. To do this you need to be in control of your life and your work. This year focuses on your closest relationships. Marriage/divorce are possibilities.