We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Whatever you do today, don't get your belly in a rash. It's practically impossible to avoid an argument, especially with siblings and relatives. Don't get suckered in by your desire to win and compete. It's not who wins the game that counts -- it's who has the cutest uniform.
Power struggles over money and possessions are likely today. These discussions can be much smoother if you wait a day or two. Even tomorrow is better. (Sort of.) You're certainly ready to dig in your heels about something. Make sure it's worthwhile fussing about.
Yikes! This is a dicey day for intense discussions with the public, close friends and partners. Either you are trying to run the show, or others are trying to run you. Actually, it's all about ego and power. That part of you that is reacting? That's ego. The part of you that's bossy? That's ego.
This is the classic day for machinery, tools and objects to break down at work. Thud! (What was that?) If it happens, be patient and tell everybody you read about it first in this newspaper. If you suspect something is about to break -- focus in on it right away.
Power struggles with lovers and children are very likely today. Power struggles with lovers of course, give you juicy diary entries and lots of hot gossip. Power struggles with children are a waste time. (They'll get you in the end.) Kids are not just little adults who dress funny. They're different.
Very bad day to go toe-to-toe with your boss. It will be a slugfest. Quit trying to prove something. Remember the advice of Confucius: "He who flings dirt only loses ground." Sure, you want to make sweeping changes right now and improve things. But not today.
Religious, political and philosophical arguments are likely. You are intent on getting others to agree with you. Of course, agreement doesn't make you more right; it just feels good. Alternatively, others could force you to defend your beliefs. Why bother? It's all lot of hot air today.
We all know that money is a root of all money. More than that, money can make some people rude. Extremely. Avoid discussions about shared possessions, conflicting values and joint property today. Guard your possessions and avoid high crime areas. Keep your eyes open.
Either you or a partner has very bright ideas about how to change the other one. (This goes over like a lead balloon.) Nobody likes constructive criticism. It's criticism! Don't dish any out today; and don't let anybody tell you how to live your life either. (Except me.)
Be prepared for machinery breakdowns and system meltdowns today. The need to repair something at work is likely. A simple Band-Aid approach won't work. You will have to do a true overall to something. This could even apply to a working relationship. Oy vay.
If you want to make changes or improvements around you today, make sure that they are for the larger good. If you help society or a group, you might be effective at doing something today. But if you simply promote your own cause, you'll meet with opposition. Big-time.
Confrontations with parents and authority figures are likely today. You might encounter plumbing problems and messes with bathrooms, garbage and laundry areas. Whatever goes wrong will need a complete overhaul. Don't try to get away with a surface job.
Actor Michael J. Fox (b. 1961) shares your birthday. You're a clever, forceful communicator. Y ou are strong-minded and outspoken about your views. You rely on logic and experience to make your decisions. You have a constant, youthful flair that attracts others to you. Focus on your closest relationships this year. Some partnerships will end; some partnerships will begin.