We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Never lose sight of the fact this year primarily is all about you establishing a firm base for yourself in the world. You either have to figure out where to live, or improve wherever you already live. Make a safe place for yourself -- you deserve it.
Do not let the loss that you experienced in the mid-90s, make you nervous to entertain change in your life now. In the next two years, most of you will experience job or residential moves. It's part of the Big Plan. (Not the one in the sky -- the one in your own mind.)
Have you noticed you're more philosophical lately? That's because in the next two years, you'll nail down a value system to serve you well for the rest of your life It's time to discover what is really important to you. (And to know the difference between salad dressing and mayonnaise.)
This is definitely one of those benchmark years you remember later. Somehow, you step into a whole new world this year -- new relationships, new environment and possibly a new job. You've had to let go of a lot of things in the last few years. Now, you can increase your earnings.
This month lucky Jupiter moves forward in your sign. (Oh yeah, it hovered there since last summer, but it was more like a dirigible.) What you want is aerodynamic jet stream slicing through your sky spreading good luck everywhere for you. Right? Expect the best -- you just might get it.
People surprise you today. These could be people from different cultures or different lands; or they could be partners or friends who act like they're from another planet. Either way -- stay flexible and be ready to catch the ball when it comes your way.
Surprise perks and benefits come to you at work today. Others are cooperative and helpful. Someone might be receptive to your ideas about how to improve things. Conversely, someone else might make these bright suggestions. Either way -- things get better.
Change can be threatening or exciting. Today is one of the days where change is exciting. Flirtations, talking to younger people, plus feeling more creative and pleased with yourself are just some of the influences that help you feel younger, more live and vivacious. Yeehaw!
You have a strong desire to reform how things are done at work today. You know you can make improvements. Your choice is: do you tell everyone to work better and smarter and risk their wrath; or do you say nothing and just keep the status quo?
Exciting flirtations can make your day. Don't be afraid to bat your eyes at anyone. People feel frisky and playful today. Be bold! After all, you'll never be as young again as you are today. Most us regret the things we didn't do rather than the things we did. (Maybe just a little wink.)
This is a fantastic, exuberant day for you. You feel supercharged with energy. Bright ideas about improving things at home or trying to make more money bubble up in your brain. You believe you can put a fresh spin on things. Good.
You're full of bright, clever ideas today. New experiences with friends and neighbors might throw a whole new slant on something. Your curiosity and imagination are stimulated. You feel alert, bright and lively. This is the perfect day to take an IQ test.
Playwright, poet William Shakespeare (b.1564) shares your birthday. Because you're tenacious, hard-working, and focused -- you get results. You are socially aware and friendly. Your security matters; in this you are careful. Nevertheless, you can be unusually impulsive. You are a shrewd observer of the human condition. Major changes await you this year.