We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Indulge your desire to do something different. It can be as major as leaving town, or as minor as changing your morning schedule (each first then dress or vice versa.) The point is you want to vary your routine today. You don't want any ho-hum ho-hum this weekend.
Make time to look at bills. Yes - red tape details are a boring way to start the weekend, but you'll feel better if you make friends with the facts. Put all your bills in a bowl and draw out five and pay those. If creditors are nasty, tell them next month they won't even make the bowl.
Today's Moon is in Sagittarius, which is directly opposite your sign. This means you have to give a little extra to the world. We're not just talking panhandlers (but them too). This means you have to go more than half way dealing with everyone. Be patient, caring and tolerant.
Think of one thing you can do today (or begin) that will improve your health. Instead of adding something new to your regime, think of what you can stop doing that will benefit you. Perhaps one less coffee, one less drink, one less cigarette, one less donut -- whatever.
Great day to start your weekend! Romance, parties, professional sports and the entertainment world promise goodies for you. The operative word here is "fun". Do anything that makes you happy. Escape travel is particularly recommended. You want to expand your world!
This is a good day to sit down with kids and sort through old clothes and toys. Decide to pass on, give away or sell what you no longer use. Discussions with partners about budgeting for entertainment can also be productive. Work to get your home scene more organized.
This is wonderful day to shop. Linens, stemware, wardrobe goodies, cars, sound systems, photography equipment, and decorating items are just some of the purchases that will please you. Satisfy your urge to make major, attractive changes at home now.
You're gung ho to get organized! Make a list of what you need to buy to do a good job. It's only fair to yourself to get the right tools so that you can do the best job. Buy cleaning supplies, shelving, storage boxes -- whatever. (Of course, the best labour saving device is a rich partner.)
Today's Moon is in your sign, dear Sagittarius. It's a good day to take a gamble, because in a minor way -- the world owes you a favour. Make plans to party and schmooze with friends. Romance, love affairs, flirtations and entertaining diversions definitely please you.
You've got energy to make things happen today (and a wide choice of activities.) Sports, exercise, puttering a home, shopping or taking a trip are excellent options. Since your creative juices are flowing, you might choose artistic pursuits or playful activities with children.
Friendship is important. You feel a real need to stay in touch with people and keep abreast of things. Today is the perfect day to make calls, meet people for coffee, check out the pool hall, or walk your dog. You feel friendly, sociable and ready for gossip.
Discussions with a parent might be important. In the minor way, people notice you today. Authority figures and VIPs might cross your path. It's also a great day for shopping, business and commerce. Group activities flow smoothly. Yes - happiness is having alternatives.
Actress Ashley Judd (b. 1968) shares your birthday. You are talented, disciplined and skilled. You have control over whatever you do. You are not afraid to set your goals high. You are interested in many things and hope to excel at most. Powerful people attract you. Major changes take place in your life this year.