It is Full Moon in Libra today at 3:36 p.m. EDT. Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 415 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. EDT.
Pshaw, pshaw - it's not as bad as all that. Today' Full Moon opposes you. Whatchyagonnado? That's why you feel a bit worried, cut off and maybe even a tiny bit lonely. This is all an illusion! In other words, it is simply your mindset. By Friday -- you're laughing.
Money worries and disagreements about how to share things with friends or groups are a bit of a drag today. Do not fall victim to your fears. You can't please everybody today especially re: business matters, purchasing things and disposable cash. Just please yourself.
You might have difficulty relating to others today because either you (or others) are a bit reserved. Don't get tangled up trying to figure out if you're getting as much as you're giving in important relationships -- especially with VIPs, bosses and power types.
People are dissatisfied today -- it's no big deal. This is one of those temporary black clouds floating across the horizon. It will pass quickly. (Especially if you drink a lot of water.) Avoid heavy discussions with parents, VIPs, bosses and people who are bigger than you.
Somebody might rain on your parade by telling you that you don't have enough money to do something. Imagine! (You've have been living high off the hog without money for years. And it takes real talent.) Don't be distressed because of financial discussions. Friday -- things look better.
It is likely you feel disappointed or dissatisfied with somebody who doesn't live up to your standards. But are your standards realistic? (You do have your fussy, exacting side, which is why you are your toughest critic.) Think positive thoughts. (This is not corny.)
It's all about you today. Naturally, the Sun opposes your sign, but today's Full Moon is in Libra. This stresses work relationships and everything to do with publishing, the media, foreign travel, higher education and drilling those little holes in toothbrushes. Chill out.
You are probably right to curb your spending related to entertainment, vacations, romance, financial speculation and the lottery. You have to separate yourself from your hopes and illusions today. A dose of realism is unavoidable. Don't try to convince others to agree with you.
Domestic discussions with partners and loved ones might be a bummer today. People are dissatisfied with each other. Complaints and criticisms fly back and forth. Before you know it -- a food fight could break out. The question is: who is going to clean up all this mess?
There's a limit to what you can expect of others, and unfortunately today you discover what it is. Don't be too disappointed in loved ones. They're only human (even if you put them on that shaky, plastic pedestal.) Don't take criticisms from others about you seriously, either. All is baloney.
There's not too much money today for fun and frills. That's how it feels. Let's forget about whether you need the money or not (we know you need it.) The thing to be aware of is that today people are gloomy, pessimistic and drinking from glasses that are half empty.
You are better served today to slip off by yourself and indulge in some self-reflection and introspection. If you get involved with the throngs "out there" - you will be trampled upon. It's puppy eat puppy today. Who needs this? Slip out and grab a matinee if you can.
Actress Ellen Barkin (b.1955) shares your birthday. People are attracted to you because of your humour and your love of life; plus you are generous with your time and your money. You're loyal to friends and tolerant of the faults of loved ones. You will learn something important this year.