We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Don't let anybody talk you into any get-rich-quick schemes today. You are vulnerable to deception whether it's being deceived by others or being deceived by yourself. (You know who you are.) Try to keep your feet on the ground. Best to avoid any financial decisions today.
For some time now, you've been confused about your life direction in general. Today is no exception. The difference however, is of that you shouldn't listen to advice from others today. Clarity is not within your reach at the moment. This is a poor day to make a decision or cast your vote.
Mercury is your ruler and today it is on slippery terms with mushy Neptune. This means that you are all over the map right now. First you want one thing, then you want to do something else. Decisions related to large institutions, the government, travel and publishing are confused.
Your genuine sympathy for a friend makes you want to help if you can. This is all well and good; however, don't give away the farm. Your ability to assess what really needs to be done is clouded today. Furthermore, your idealism is aroused. This is a dangerous combo. Don't act.
This is not a good day to listen to the voice of reason and experience from above. This sounds like unusual advice but the odds of you been confused or misled are very high today. All conversations with partners and bosses have gone south for the winter. Go gently.
Decisions with respect to health problems, your job, travel, publishing and the media are dicey today. Wishful thinking obscures your clarity. You're inclined to see things as you want them to be rather than how they actually are. Sound familiar? (Oh yeah.)
Today is the stuff that romantic love is based on. Yes, I'm talking illusion, dreams and hopes. Romantic love is the stuff of wishes and temporary fantasy. Real love is all about real people -- who sweat, make mistakes and have indigestion problems. Make sure you know the difference.
There is considerable confusion in all your communications today. First, you might idealize someone out of proportion. There is a tendency for pie in the sky thinking. Furthermore, secrets and deception are rampant now. In a word: you are not getting the clear picture. Go slowly.
Definitely be careful about any kind of negotiations or business deals today. You don't want to be the victim of some kind of misrepresentation. Someone could even accuse you of trying to pull the wool over their eyes. (Can you believe that?)
Although you are tempted to blow a bundle on wonderful luxurious items today, especially designer labels -- don't. You could end up regretting something later. On the other hand, you have a keen sensitivity to children now and can enjoy playful activities with them.
Avoid important family discussions today. There is too much confusion and wishful thinking. In fact, the chances for downright misunderstandings are very strong. Strive to keep all your communications clear, lucid and factual. Agree to nothing. (But always accept dessert.)
Daydreaming is your drug of choice today. You want to escape into the clouds. You need a little time to be by yourself just to meditate, ruminate and cogitate. Avoid important discussions with siblings. Keep all your discussions clear and to the point. Avoid wild ideas that appeal to your idealism
Chess champion Garry Kasparov (b. 1963) shares your birthday. Your fearless courage constant takes you to new terrain. You mean what you say and say what you mean. Your private life is often eccentric in some ways. Many of you are artists. Work hard in your head because you can create or build something important.