We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Finally -- a day where you can act decisively and get results! This is a wonderful day to deal with friends, groups, clubs and organizations. All group dynamics work in your favor. People love you now. (Maybe literally.) Friends become lovers; lovers become friends.
Although you're working behind the scenes with governments and large institutions, you definitely have a voice today. You have a much clearer idea of what the head honcho wants. In fact, you might be astonished at the insights you arrive at. Trust your gut.
Your sensitivity and awareness to the subtler aspects of the world are strongly increased today. Publishing, legal matters, higher education, foreign travel and distant countries are all areas that touch you emotionally. You want the world to be a beautiful place.
Your concern for others triggers a feeling of compassion within you today. Discussions with VIPs or parents prompt you to act for the welfare of those in need. Ironically, this same concern ultimately boomerangs back to you later with a payoff for you personally. (Complicated, I know.)
Today's Moon is directly opposite your sign. That means you have to give just a little extra. You have to go more than half way. Sure this isn't fair -- but nothing is fair in life except the fact that we each have 24 hours every day. Speaking of which -- what are you doing with yours?
Relations with co-workers are copasetic today. You're in the mood to help them; they're in the mood to help you. (It's a Glenn Miller day.) Never question life when it works smoothly for you. Just grab it and run. Romance can heat up now. You feel flirtatious and saucy.
It was around 1996, when you stepped out on to the big stage of life. Since then, you've been showing the world what you're made of. Hustle thy buns because this year and next are a culmination of your efforts for the last seven years. (Perhaps even your efforts since 1989.) It's big stuff.
You're hot today, babes. Things go smoothly at work, and they're humming right along at home too. You want to use your efforts to make life easier for those around you. And you want to make things pretty as well. Your love of fantasy and pageantry overtakes you today.
If those business investments that looked good earlier this week still look sweet - act now. You've got the green light. Financial speculation, gambling, love and romance, vacations, the hospitality industry and the entertainment world get a big boost now. Glamour and fantasy rule!
You're ready to part with a serious chunk of change to make your home more beautiful, buy real estate or help a family member. Your prime motivation is related to something luxurious or altruistic. (Either way you're trying to improve things.) Just don't give away the farm.
Your imagination is very strong today. Daydreaming, fantasizing and plain old wool gathering grip you now. Don't worry, Albert Einstein attributed much of his genius to his own imagination. In fact, he said, "Your imagination is your preview of life's coming attractions."
Your moneymaking ideas can really pay off today at work. The only downside is that you are thinking more with your gut than with your head. Double-check important facts. Nevertheless, your instincts are pretty accurate today. If something feels fishy -- it is.
Actor, director Quentin Tarantino (b.1963) shares your birthday. You often master a particular technique very well. This gives you independence and more self-control in your life. Technology and science appeal to you. You have your finger on the pulse of the public. You are always a down-to-earth realist. Get ready for one of the best years of your life!