We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Lie low and try to take it easy. But do stay on top of your bank account today. You don't want any rude awakenings. Play your cards close to your heaving bosom. Schmooze with friends. Look for ways to impress VIPs because you can do this right now. But don't try too hard.
You don't feel much like working today. You just want the good life: the country squire with a table groaning under the weight of a magnificent spread of food. Let's not forget fine drink. Sounds like a little bit of all right, doesn't it? You have permission to enjoy yourself.
People notice you now for one reason or another. Because you're in the limelight, look your best. (Clothes matter. You never see naked people sitting around boardroom tables.) Travel and publishing matters are a little wacky today. Don't promise more than you can deliver.
There's a slight tendency to overboard with friends and groups today. Either you're tempted to give away the farm, or somebody else expects you to support a small country. Proceed cautiously. True generosity is giving what is needed. With no strings attached. (Maybe a label here or there.)
This is not the ideal day to talk to the head honcho. (Whoever the head honcho is in your life.) Confusion, inflated ideas and misplaced sympathies could cloud the issue. Just think about reducing your debt and clearly defining shared property or possessions.
You truly like to be helpful to others. But you like to be appreciated for your efforts. It's all right to help someone today at work, but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. There is such a thing as idiot compassion. Take time to party at the end of the day.
Many of you will spend too much money having a good time or impressing a lover today. It's that kinda day. And of course, ambience is everything to you. Steel your resolve. Get your work done first. Then enjoy yourself on a more modest level. You can still have fun.
Try not to spend too much money on family and domestic situations today. You'll be tempted to do so. Generosity with your family is a good thing; but sometimes you're just blowing money. Play it cool. Communications are confused. Misunderstandings easily occur.
It's easy for co-workers to misinterpret what you say or vice versa. Don't expect too much from others today. This way, perhaps they won't expect too much from you either. Keep a low profile. Don't be tempted to spend too much money on travel plans either. Just wait Henry Higgins.
You are really tempted to blow a bundle today. (You're a sucker for labels.) Confused feelings (this includes misplaced generosity) could make you hemorrhage some serious cash. You will regret it later. Ditto for spending money on a good time. Be prudent. (You hate waste.)
Conversations with family members are little bit like two ships passing in the night. Clear understanding eludes you. This doesn't mean you're dense-- au contraire. Most people are having weird conversations today. It's like there's too much static in the air. Don't commit to anything.
Your highly developed intuition tells you to tread carefully today. Conversations with siblings, relatives and colleagues are especially subject to exaggeration, misunderstanding, confusion and boring sob stories. Don't listen to those who say, "If God is dead, who will save the Queen?" (See what I mean?)
Tennis player Ivan Lendl (b. 1960) shares your birthday. You quickly see the big picture. You're sensitive and caring. Once you discover practical use for your marvelous ideas, your life flows more easily. You guard your private life very carefully. This year all your relations with others improves. It's a happier year.