We have the All Clear today to shop and make important decisions.
Avoid heated discussions about political situations, publishing, religious matters and legal issues. Not that they should always be avoided -- but today you feel very intense and emotional about these issues, and this robs you of your fine perspective.
Sexual relations (with women in particular) are intense right now. This can be good intense or bad intense. Try not to let these feelings manipulate you. (Ha!) You could become obsessed before you know it. Beware feelings of possessiveness and jealousy.
Discussions with partners are intense this morning. They leave you rehashing what you said or didn't say. Tomorrow in the shower, you can rehearse your rebuttal. But in the meantime, don't get too pushy with anyone. Don't let anyone get too pushy with you.
You have an extremely strong drive to work hard today, especially to get yourself organized. You want to get on top of your scene. You're even ready to throw things out. (This is serious.) Actually, there are many aspects in your life to which you want to give the old heave ho.
You feel a much greater emotional depth in all your romantic relationships now. In fact, the depth is so deep -- you're practically drowning. Possessiveness, jealousy and lust make this an interesting way to start off your week. Yikes.
The tighter you squeeze onto things the less you have in the end. (One of life's little puzzles.) Today is a good day to ask yourself what you're trying to do at home. Family tension and conflict just aren't worth it. Life is too short. Use this energy to be productive.
You are determined to persuade somebody of something today. (Stage directions: "Enter, guns blazing.") Sadly, the harder you try to convince others of something the more they resist you. It doesn't seem fair, but that's how it works. (Sometimes life is a cruel hoax.)
Be careful about spending money today. Not that it's a bad day to do this -- au contraire. But you have lost your sense of balance about spending cash today. You feel compulsive about getting something. You must have it. Your teeth are clenched. Your knuckles are very white. Oops. Steady.
Even though you generally play the Mr. Nice Guy or Ms. Nice Gal routine, today you're downright pushy about something. Don't be pathetic. It's sad to see lose your cool. Ignore this manic, driving force within you and at least pretend to be in control. That way you can sneak up on people.
If you get the feeling that something fishy is going on in any of your conversations with someone -- then it probably is. Some strange behind the scenes activities could take place today. It's hard to know who to trust. Avoid dicey neighborhoods and dangers areas.
Pushy friends are such a bore. They monopolize the conversation. Definitely avoid this kind of individual today. And definitely avoid doing an excellent imitation of this individual. Yes -- you too could become pushy, overbearing and boring. But not likely, cause you're cute.
You start this week off with a desire to go for the brass ring. You want it all. If you can't get it one way, you're willing to try another. To be successful you have to make what you want the success of others as well as yourself. (Yes, Pluto is in the ring too.)
Actress Kristin Davis (b. 1965) shares your birthday. You are unusually giving. This is why you often demand much from others. You believe in working for a higher ideal and always put the rights of the group ahead of your own. You need to feel passionately about life. Work hard in the year ahead to prepare for changes in the following year.