Hi Georgia -

Since this retrograde started:

  • Laptop - broke down - electrical problem.
  • Cell phone - SMS (send/receive) not working
  • Camera - somehow has a big star crack across the viewer - done.
  • Aquarium water filter - done.
  • Light bulbs all throughout the house over and out.
  • Power went out(!) - freezer did not turn back on - deep freeze full of warm, stinky food.
  • 2 breakers have since popped. No reason.
  • I can't sleep! 4 hours and I wake up ready to rock. This is very, very unusal for me. I have never had trouble sleeping.

This is an especially brutal retrograde for me. What gives?

Warm regards,

Dear S.

Yikes! This is brutal Mercury retrograde for you! Each Mercury retrograde (about 3 times a year) occurs in a different sign and at a different degree. Some of them really hit a person according to how it hits their chart which is why some hardly affect one person and drive another person bonkers.

You have my sympathies... it ain't over till the fat lady sings!