Hi Georgia
I enjoy your horoscopes a lot, I am a Scorpio and I'm finding that whatever the Astrologers have said in the past year is way off for me, actually it been quite the crappy year. I was just wondering if it's ever going to turn around in all the aspects of my life
Dear L.
This is a time when Scorpios are very powerful. They see what is working; and they also discover what is not working.
Do not view what is not working as a failure - it is just information - cut bait and move on....
However, we all have at least 2 charts..... and one is based on the time of day you were born - not just the fact that you are a Scorpio. Perhaps that is the chart that might be challenged this year?
I think the best approach to handling this challenging time is to try to be as full of loving kindness to others as you can be - loving kindness and compassion....
Because when you isolate yourself - and you are only concerned with your own problems, and your own life, and needs and wants, then your world is very small. And therefore, your problems seem to be big.
But when you are concerned with others around you - concerned with their happiness, and their wants, and needs, and welfare -- then your world grows much bigger and therefore, your problems become smaller.
Weird but true. (I heard the Dalai Lama say this.)
Good luck!