hi georgia,

i just wanted to let you know how the reading you did for me about 2 years ago affected me. . . i guess i had been happy with the status quo at that time. now, i am choosing to follow the potential that i may have. I am entering a new master's program at _____ University called 'global health' next year. i hope this program will lead me to doing great things . . .

i am thinking of coming to see you again in the future for another reading . .


Dear K.

You don't need another reading. Just keep your goals high...... you have exceptional ability.

It is actually your responsibility to acknowledge this.

If you think you are capable - and you aren't - this is arrogance.

If you think you are capable - and you are - this is confidence.

Without confidence it is almost impossible to achieve great things... so believing in yourself isn't just fluffy feel good stuff. It is a vital aspect of your ability to accomplish something and in turn, benefit others as well as yourself.
